
ProCert can offer high quality services due to the continuous commitment of our auditors, trainers and employees.  In our profession, individual skills of each employee are critical, various functions must work seamlessly with each other to maintain our quality standards.

Familiarise yourself with our team!  Individual employees are not listed for confidentiality reasons.

Number of results:131
Nicolas Duraffourg

Duraffourg Nicolas

Lead Auditor

Languages French
Countries of operation Switzerland
Sector(s) Health & Social
Vincent Egger

Egger Vincent

Auditor product certification

Languages English, French, German, Spanish
Countries of operation Austria, Belgium, France, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Spain, Switzerland
Sector(s) Product certification
Tanja Elmiger

Elmiger Tanja

Lead auditor QualiKita

Languages German
Countries of operation Liechtenstein, Switzerland
Sector(s) Health & Social
Domingo Fernandez

Fernandez Domingo

Member of Board of Directors MS, Market Directorate, Contact Person, Lead Auditor

Languages English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Countries of operation France, Switzerland
Sector(s) Education
Sabrina Fourel

Fourel Sabrina

Lead Auditor

Languages English, French
Countries of operation Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland
Sector(s) Food industry
Laure Gaignard

Gaignard Laure

Languages French
Countries of operation Switzerland
Sector(s) Health & Social
Gustav Gallasz

Gallasz Gustav

Lead Auditor

Languages English, French, German, Hungarian
Countries of operation Austria, Germany, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Switzerland
Sector(s) Food industry
Anna Katharina Gämperli

Gämperli Anna Katharina

Lead Auditor; Auditor product certification

Languages English, French, German
Countries of operation Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland
Sector(s) Food industry, Product certification
Anja Gerber

Gerber Anja

Lead auditor QualiKita

Languages German
Countries of operation Liechtenstein, Switzerland
Sector(s) Health & Social
Corinne Gervaise

Gervaise Corinne

Lead Auditor

Languages French
Countries of operation Belgium, France
Sector(s) Food industry, Product certification
Jean-François Girard

Girard Jean-François

Auditor product certification

Languages French, German
Countries of operation Switzerland
Sector(s) Product certification
Housi Glauser

Glauser Housi

Auditor product certification

Languages French, German
Countries of operation Switzerland
Sector(s) Product certification
Michael Gross

Gross Michael

Member of Board of Directors MS, Market Directorate, Contact Person, Lead Auditor

Languages English, French
Countries of operation France, Switzerland
Sector(s) Health & Social
Alexander Grünenfelder

Grünenfelder Alexander

Lead Auditor

Languages English, German
Countries of operation Austria, France, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, South Africa, Switzerland
Sector(s) Food industry
Salma Gueni

Gueni Salma

Operational coordination

Languages English, French
Countries of operation Belgium, France, Tunisia
Sector(s) Back Office
Olivier Guillaume-Gentil

Guillaume-Gentil Olivier

HR Support, Trainer, Lead Auditor

Languages English, French, German
Countries of operation Switzerland
Sector(s) Food industry, Tourism
Katia Gutknecht

Gutknecht Katia

Lead auditor

Languages English, French
Countries of operation Switzerland
Sector(s) Education
Christophe Higy

Higy Christophe

Lead Auditor

Languages French, German
Countries of operation Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland
Sector(s) Technology & Services
Moez Jridi

Jridi Moez

Lead Auditor

Languages French
Countries of operation Algeria, France, Mali, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia
Sector(s) Food industry
Miriam Kaabi

Kaabi Miriam

HR Coordination, Operational coordination

Languages English, French, German
Countries of operation Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland
Sector(s) Back Office